Sammy D.

2018 Alumnus

I came to sober sisters completely broken, wanting to change my life but had no idea how. On May 13th, I achieved 1 year of continuous sobriety, something I’ve never been able to do and I owe much of that to Sober Sisters Recovery who has devoted countless hours to this program and the woman who come through the doors. SSR is not only a beautiful structure, inside and out, but offers many tools to help woman of all ages and stages to achieve and maintain recovery from process groups to group meditation and individual reiki sessions.

Having been in multiple IOP programs, one on one counseling and 28-day programs, SSR is structured but balanced and from my own personal experience provides more individual care than I have ever received in my journey to recovery. For me, it worked and I will be forever grateful to those who put their heart and soul into this non-profit organization. There were countless nights during my stay at SSR where I was shaking, teetering towards a substance and the staff would walk me through it, she was able to make me laugh when I could barely smile and she taught me valuable lessons, showing me the tools I needed to maintain continuous sobriety.

Much of what I do to stay sober today, both in my program and outside of it, are all things I learned from being a part of SSR and the countless volunteers who would pick me up for meetings, come for fires, and really show me there was another way than the way I was living. I not only learned how to stay sober one day at a time but I learned how to function in life without a substance. I learned how to be a woman of dignity and grace, two things I never wanted nor thought I could be.

I will be forever grateful for SSR, the support staff, the board of directors and so many people along the way who volunteer to help woman like myself find an easier, softer way.