Kelly C.

June 2022

I’m sitting here reflecting in my 10 months of recovery after speaking to the residents of SSR and all I can think is how blessed I was to have found Malley Farm. This mission is the reason I am alive today and I am so grateful to be alumni. If you are willing to do what it takes to recover from addiction then Malley Farm could be exactly what you need.

This is a post I wrote after I completed the program:
Today I woke up feeling great, eyes alert and heart so full of gratitude it could burst! Today I am 6 months sober from alcohol and any mind altering substance and living in recovery. It has not been easy getting to where I’m at in my recovery and I had to change everything about my life. But nothing changes if nothing changes.

The process of deciding to quit drinking was a long argument with myself that I lost over and over again. For years I was unable to be honest with myself. In my younger years drinking was a way to fit in and let loose but as my drinking progressed the obsession to drink outweighed anything else in my life. It was not one big catastrophic event that brought me to my knees…it was many. I was hospitalized more times than I care to remember, went to detox’s, outpatient care and rehab. Still…I’d pick up a damn drink. Alcohol — cunning, baffling, powerful! I knew this insanity had to stop and I knew it was now life or death for me.

I made one phone call to Moné Cassier at Sober Sisters Recovery that changed my life forever. I packed up as much of my stuff as I could in a few hours from my apartment in Newmarket, kissed my cats and never looked back. I spent 5 months at Malley Farm learning from the best how to manage my life, work a strong program of recovery and set my ego aside because it is God’s will and not mine. It took a village to get me to where I am at today.

I owe my life to Sober Sisters Recovery and a little program called Alcoholics Anonymous and the fellowship. Today I am proud to say I am a woman of dignity. I write this for those who are still sick and suffering… WE DO RECOVER. ONE DAY AT A TIME. WE need you and WE love you. #ChopWoodCarryWater