These testimonials are from women who lived at Malley Farm between 2016 and early 2024 when we were Sober Sisters Recovery, a structured sober living home for women.

I am so grateful for Sober Sisters Recovery and all those involved, including the Board of Directors, staff and residents. Our daughter has and continues to benefit from the compassion, insight and dedication of the entire Sober Sister Recovery community. The direction and support provided has been instrumental in so many ways.

I believe SSR exemplifies the best in community support for recovery of women.

Tom G. - May 2018

About 2 years ago to the day, I moved into Sober Sisters. Having burned every bridge in my active use, I had no where to go. I was blessed to live in this beautiful house for 4 months where I was taught basic life skills and how to live life sober and be a woman of dignity and grace. Sometimes it wasn’t easy, but its exactly what I needed to go through. I just celebrated 2 years of sobriety last month and I owe a lot of it to Sober Sisters. To this day, I still use tools I was taught at this house and it has helped me become a productive member of society. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to Sober Sisters!!

Melissa B. - 2017 Alumnus

Sober sisters is a huge part of my journey in recovery and continues to be. This home which will always be my first real home in recovery, is a serene beautiful well structured environment and is safe and welcoming for any woman who wants it. 14 months into my recovery and I’m still blessed with the love and compassion we as woman in recovery deserve.

Moné is an amazing individual who will go to the ends of the earth for your success in this journey. To this day I still talk to her and visit the house to give back what I was given. My second chance at life began with this wonderful woman and the truly amazing place at Sober Ssisters. Words can’t describe my gratitude for SSR or Moné. I will forever remain grateful for everything she’s done for myself and for what she keeps doing for other women. Keep up the great work for these women God has got your back. God bless and love each and every one of you.

Kasey L. - 2017

What a truly beautiful home for woman in recovery!

Ellen J. - November 2016

I’m a women in recovery today for over 2 1/2 years by the grace of god and the people around me in my life. After some treatment, I knew I needed more and Sober Sisters had just opened their doors and I got accepted. I was with Sober Sisters for over 10 months, one of the first graduates. I still to this day visit, volunteer, and speak my experience strength and hope to the house.

I know today I needed Sober Sisters in my life. I needed the love the structure and safe place it holds for us strong woman that go through the house. The last few months I was living at Sober Sisters, I became the RA of the house. Today, my life looks like this: I have my children back, a wonderful family, received my license back, bought a car, and I’m working two jobs in the field of recovery that I’m very passionate about. Sober Sisters is a huge part of my life. It’s my home and always will be …

Katie A. - 2016 Alumnus

I have been sober from all substances for over 2 years now. I spent 9 months living at Sober Sisters, and I personally believe it is the reason I am still sober today. I learned so much in the home that I still carry with me today. I am still of service to the women who live there & Moné and I couldn’t be more grateful for that opportunity.

Olivia E. - 2016

Amazing woman with a heart of gold. Watching the way in which this has engaged the community is truly inspiring. It is my hope that many women benefit from this home.

Mark C. - August 2016

Ladies, you have done an amazing job. So many times people go through detox only to be pushed out the door, not knowing what to do next. It is wonderful that you are giving Woman an opportunity to live life on life’s terms with a helping hand and heart. I applaud you!

Linda A. - July 2016

Thank God that small groups of people that care stepped up and will make this very important Home available!! Onward!!

Kerry N. - 2016

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