These testimonials are from women who lived at Malley Farm between 2016 and early 2024 when we were Sober Sisters Recovery, a structured sober living home for women.

My experience as a resident of Sober Sisters Recovery has been life-changing. Here I experienced the benefits of holistic healing within a caring, structured environment which has nurtured my growth and confidence as a mature, sober woman.

I have learned that perseverance and commitment are imperative to my sobriety. I am diligently working a 12-Step Program of recovery with the guidance of a sponsor and the faithful support of Mone, along with the Sober Sisters staff and community.

I am now home with my family, equipped with the valuable tools I’ve acquired and essential practices to foster my growth in living a sober, healthy and purposeful life.

Sober Sisters Recovery has been a source of encouragement, strength and spiritual renewal which has enabled me to cultivate a deeper communion with my Higher Power whom I choose to call “God”.

I am filled with gratitude!

Claire T. - 2023

I arrived broken, lonely and had no idea who I was. Through the guidance and help from SSR staff, I have been able to trust God and myself enough to build a strong firm foundation for my recovery. My experience here has given me the life skill tools needed to continue the road to recovery and a better quality of life.

I have learned how to become an independent strong woman that is employed, and the trusted live-in Resident Assistant and Handywoman here at SSR. I am blessed beyond measure and I thank God every day for this amazing mission!

Linda H. - 2022

I’m sitting here reflecting in my 10 months of recovery after speaking to the residents of SSR and all I can think is how blessed I was to have found Malley Farm. This mission is the reason I am alive today and I am so grateful to be alumni. If you are willing to do what it takes to recover from addiction then Malley Farm could be exactly what you need.

This is a post I wrote after I completed the program:
Today I woke up feeling great, eyes alert and heart so full of gratitude it could burst! Today I am 6 months sober from alcohol and any mind altering substance and living in recovery. It has not been easy getting to where I’m at in my recovery and I had to change everything about my life. But nothing changes if nothing changes.

The process of deciding to quit drinking was a long argument with myself that I lost over and over again. For years I was unable to be honest with myself. In my younger years drinking was a way to fit in and let loose but as my drinking progressed the obsession to drink outweighed anything else in my life. It was not one big catastrophic event that brought me to my knees…it was many. I was hospitalized more times than I care to remember, went to detox’s, outpatient care and rehab. Still…I’d pick up a damn drink. Alcohol — cunning, baffling, powerful! I knew this insanity had to stop and I knew it was now life or death for me.

I made one phone call to Moné Cassier at Sober Sisters Recovery that changed my life forever. I packed up as much of my stuff as I could in a few hours from my apartment in Newmarket, kissed my cats and never looked back. I spent 5 months at Malley Farm learning from the best how to manage my life, work a strong program of recovery and set my ego aside because it is God’s will and not mine. It took a village to get me to where I am at today.

I owe my life to Sober Sisters Recovery and a little program called Alcoholics Anonymous and the fellowship. Today I am proud to say I am a woman of dignity. I write this for those who are still sick and suffering… WE DO RECOVER. ONE DAY AT A TIME. WE need you and WE love you. #ChopWoodCarryWater

Kelly C. - June 2022

Sober Sisters Recovery is a true gift to the Recovery Community. I am familiar with many Rehabs and Sober Houses and have to say that this Sober Home is in a league of its own. The dedication, professionalism and support is totally outstanding. It is a well organized, structured Sober House in a beautiful old (extremely clean) farm house in a pastoral, tranquil setting of lovely meadows and distinguished old trees. It is a healing environment inside and outside with the sole purpose of recovery. I have worked in the healthcare field for 35+ years throughout New England. this is a hidden gem.

Maureen C. - September 2021

Sober Sisters is by far the best recovery home I have dealt with. My sister had been to several, and there was one common element that was evident. These recovery centers wanted to make money and that’s about it. I saw them taking advantage of those who were at the lowest point in their lives. Sober Sisters director and co founder Moné Cassier helps women become productive members of society. She puts her heart in soul in the women she is trying to help. She is strong and patient and runs a fair but tight ship. I will be forever grateful to Moné and her staff. Thank you!!!

Irene I. - May 2021

I can’t say enough about my experience at Sober Sisters. I began my journey last year on June 23rd of 2020. Without the direction of staff and the sober community I built while at Sober Sisters, I don’t believe I would be sober today. Recovery for me has not been a linear process. While at Sober Sisters, I found that I was willing to go to any lengths for my recovery because I finally found women who were not only making suggestions but living a life of recovery. I trusted and believed in them until I could trust and believe in God and myself again. I will forever be grateful to the staff and sober community affiliated with Sober Sisters.

Cristina I. - May 2021

Moving into Sober Sisters Recovery was the best decision I’ve ever made – I was bouncing in and out of recovery for years and finally found a place where I could be safe and encouraged to really focus on myself and my sobriety. I completed the six-month program in June and have taken with me countless tools and coping mechanisms to live an independent, sober life. The staff at Sober Sisters are incredible, dedicated women who care only about your success. I owe so much to SSR.

Amanda W. - August 2020

Sober Sisters Recovery gave us our daughter back. She had been struggling for years with addiction, and things changed when she moved into SSR. The staff there loved Mandy back to life with structure, support, accountability, compassion and safety- where she could make her recovery her first priority. Through all of Mandy’s hard work, SSR was there to guide her and our family into a place of recovery that continues today. Mandy is now the daughter we had missed so terribly. Beautiful, caring, strong, smart are only a few words to describe her. She is so much more thanks to her dedicated work at recovery along with the unwavering support from the entire support at SSR. We are forever grateful.

Lisa W. - July 2020

I lived here for 8 months and the staff and structure helped me recreate my life! I have so much love and gratitude for Sober Sisters, I moved in broken with nothing and left whole. SSR helped me with job placement, building a network of women, life skills, loving myself, speaking up, tattoo removals, getting back into school and getting a car but most importantly SSR taught me HOW TO LIVE IN SOBRIETY AS WOMAN OF GRACE AND DIGNITY!


Gwen W. - 2020

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